Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade


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Chicken Meat

Global chicken meat production for 2021 is revised 1 percent lower from April to 101.0 million  tons driven by a sharp decline in China. China chicken meat production is forecast lower on weaker  demand as the swine herd recovers and pork prices decline. Leading world exporter Brazil will  continue relatively robust expansion driven by foreign and domestic demand. However, among  major producers, high feed grain prices and lingering impacts of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza  (HPAI) in several countries (EU, Korea, Japan) stymie poultry expansion.

Global chicken meat exports for 2021 are virtually unchanged at 12.0 million tons. Minor
downward adjustments in EU and Brazil exports are offset by increases in the United States and  China. Imports by Saudi Arabia are reduced, largely due to restrictions on Brazilian trade, but this  is offset by upward revisions in other major markets (China, Cuba, and Angola).