MI Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development Approves Grant Funding to Michigan Turkey Producers Cooperative, Inc. to Increase Cold Storage


Today, the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development voted to approve a Food and Agriculture Investment Program (FAIP) grant to Michigan Turkey Producers Cooperative, Inc. for $75,000. These funds will assist the company with reconfiguring its current cold storage capacity, allowing for expanded capacity to fulfill orders more efficiently. This work will enhance local area supply chains while generating new economic opportunities in West Michigan.

“In Michigan, we’re committed to investing in local food and agriculture businesses. Governor Whitmer’s most recent bipartisan budget directly reflects that commitment,” said Tim Boring, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Director. “Michigan’s poultry industry continues to have a significant economic impact on our state and is a critical component of Michigan s growing food and agriculture sector.

The $75,000 FAIP grant allows Michigan Turkey Producers Cooperative, Inc. to reconfigure and expand their current cold-storage capacity to align with the products that are being produced and shipped. It will also include upgrading their freezer to individual blast freezing racking, also known as Quick Freeze Racking (QFR). The reconfiguration allows an increase in capacity, allowing the company to increase orders with current clients and bring on new clients.

The Michigan Turkey Producers Cooperative, Inc. is a grower-owned cooperative that was founded in 1998. Today, 5.3 million adult male turkeys are harvested each year at their facility. The turkeys originate from 53 Michigan family farms located in Allegan, Barry, Ottawa, Gratiot, Newaygo, Muskegon, Kent, Montcalm, Mecosta, and Oceana counties. Since their purchase of a shuttered vegetable processing and storage facility in 2006 to build a ready-to-eat (cooked) product plant, they have been able to increase production from 3.2 million pounds to 64 million pounds. Michigan Turkey Producers Cooperative, Inc. sells locally, throughout the country, and internationally.

“The continued growth of our value-added cooked business has driven the need for additional fresh cooler space,” said Brian Boerigter, President of Michigan Turkey Producers Cooperative, Inc. “These upgrades will allow us to be more responsive to our customer demand and more efficient in our order fulfillment process. Michigan Turkey Producers Board of Directors and Grower Owners greatly appreciate the support from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in helping to make this project possible.

“Local businesses are what shape and build our local economies. I’m committed to supporting local businesses like Michigan Turkey Producers, and I share their excitement over this well-deserved investment,”  said State Rep. John Fitzgerald (D-Kent County.)  “Grower-owned cooperatives play an important role in the agricultural industry, especially in our local community.  I look forward to continued partnerships with MDARD as we continue to generate new economic opportunities in West Michigan.”

FAIP plays a crucial role in Michigan’s economic development. It is specifically designed to provide financial support for projects that expand food and agriculture processing, thereby fostering growth in the industry and bolstering Michigan’s economy. The selection of projects is based on their potential to impact the overall agriculture industry, as well as food and agriculture growth and investment in the state.

For more information about MDARD grants, visit www.Michigan.gov/MDARDGrants.


Source: Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development