Midwest Poultry Federation Announces Education Program

Core Tracks for Turkeys, Eggs, Broilers & Processing + Additional Content from Purina and Multi-State Poultry Conference
The full education program for the 2021 Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Virtual Convention is now available at MidwestPoultry.com.
MPF’s Education Co-Chairs – Drs. Darrin Karcher of Purdue University and Ken Koelkebeck of the University of Illinois – worked with poultry experts form academia, government agencies, and industry to develop a robust education program that covers a variety of important topics for poultry farmers, poultry processing companies, and suppliers.
MPF’s core education tracks were each given a specific day on the schedule in an effort to keep the sessions flexible for attendees:
March 18 – Broiler Track
March 19 – Processing Track
March 20 – Pullet / Egg Layer Track
March 21 – Turkey Track
In addition to the live speakers on these days, there will be a variety of on-demand presentations in each track as well as a special “Exhibitor Featured Content Track”.
Attendees also will be pleased to find out their registration provides complimentary access to these special events as well:
·      Lunchtime Learning session on May 20, with topics covering why the right building materials matter from an insurance standpoint; and lessons learned from the founders of ChopLocal.com – a website that connects consumers directly to farmers.
·      Purina Animal Nutrition Symposium, featuring a variety of speakers on May 19 (8:00 am – Noon CST)
·      Multi-State Poultry Feeding & Nutrition Conference on May 19 (speakers and topics run 1:00 pm – 4:45 pm CST)
All education programming will remain available to attendees through May 31.
Registration to the MPF Convention is open now at https://midwestpoultry.com/attendees/registration/.
About MPF
MPF is a 501(c)6 nonprofit association and its annual convention is the nation’s largest poultry trade show and convention dedicated 100% to the poultry industry. In 2019 more than 3,100 attendees and exhibitors attended the show in Minneapolis. In 2020, MPF hosted its first-ever successful virtual trade show and convention.
Revenue generated by the convention goes back to MPF’s members (comprised of 11 poultry associations in the Midwest) and to support various poultry programs. Since 2011, MPF has donated over $500,000 back to the poultry community.