Midwest Poultry Federation Booth Sales Open for 2022


It’s ‘Back to the Future” for March 22-24 in Minneapolis

Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) is excited to welcome its annual trade show and convention “Back to the Future” at the Minneapolis Convention Center, March 22-24, 2022.

Booth sales will open July 19, 2021 for exhibiting companies who participated in the 2021 MPF Virtual Convention. General booth sales will open up in mid-August. Watch www.MidwestPoultry.com for details.

“We are looking forward to seeing our poultry industry friends in-person next March,” said MPF President Scott Waldner, who represents the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota on the Board of Directors. “We are proud of the two virtual shows we offered; however, I think we can all agree nothing is better than being able to walk the exhibit hall, attend education sessions, and network with colleagues in-person.”

Registration and hotel reservations will open for the 2021 MPF Virtual Convention on November 1 via www.midwestpoultry.com.

Show Information

Visit www.midwestpoultry.com for all the latest details or contact MPF: