The health and safety of all IPPE participants is paramount. After thoughtful and thorough consideration, show management for the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) has made the difficult decision to not hold the in-person component of IPPE 2021 in Atlanta, scheduled for Jan. 26-28.The decision was based on numerous factors, including extensive surveys, direct feedback from our industries and other stakeholders, as well as the expected decrease in participation due to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“For many decades, our industries have engaged in an in-person event to serve and connect leaders in networking, learning opportunities and experiencing new technology. However, we concluded that due to the challenges of the pandemic and safety concerns, we could not offer the type of experience the industries have come to expect by bringing key decision-makers from across the globe to Atlanta,”said IPPE show management.
To ensure the essential industries remain connected, IPPE show management will offer exhibitor marketplace engagement and a slate of educational programs for attendees and exhibitors during the week the event is scheduled and beyond.Further details regarding the education programs and engagement opportunities are forthcoming.
“We are replicating the elements that can deliver the most value in a digital environment.While we know we cannot simply transfer the live, in-person experience of IPPE to an online offering, we will provide buyer engagement through an exhibitor marketplace showcase with direct communication options with industry suppliersin addition to online educational opportunities,”stated IPPE show management.“Even though we cannot offer an in-person event in 2021, we look forward to the global poultry, egg, meat and animal food industries returning to Atlanta for what is expected to be a much anticipated IPPE, scheduled Jan. 25-27, 2022.”