PIC’s Chair, Caroline Gonano, with Sarah Thomson of Hendrix Genetics, award recipient Dr. Helen Wojcinski and PIC’s Executive Director, Ashley Honsberger. Award presentation at Turkey Farmers of Ontario’s AGM on March 10th, 2023
Dr. Helen Wojcinski joined the Turkey Farmers of Ontario in person Annual General Meeting in London this past week to receive the esteemed Ed McKinlay Poultry Worker for 2019. After three years of delays and virtual events, the award was formally handed over to a well deserving mentor of the industry.
The Poultry Worker award is given out by the Poultry Industry Council to recognize an individual who has made a significant and lasting contribution, or has given outstanding service to the industry, which as a result has moved the industry forward.
After 30 years of dedicated service, Helen recently retired from Hybrid Turkeys/Hendrix Genetics as the Science and Sustainability Manager but she continues to stay engaged in the industry today through consulting. She is well known for her contributions to animal health and welfare as well as for her veterinary and technical expertise.
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Helen many times over my years in the industry,” says Poultry Industry Council Chair Caroline Gonano. “we first met when I was starting in the industry at my PAACO training and since then I’ve conferred with Helen many times on technical questions and more that have helped to progress the industry.”
Helen is also an industry advocate and has supported many associations over the years including the American Association of Avian Pathologists, PAACO, National Poultry Improvement Plan, and the National Turkey Federation.
In addition to being one of the most knowledgeable people in the industry, she has also been a great mentor to many young veterinarians and animal science students, especially young women entering the industry.
“Helen is a strong, knowledgeable leader in agriculture who has helped build the turkey industry globally.” says Sarah Thomson of Hendrix Genetics who nominated Helen for the award, “Through her hard work and dedication to improving health, welfare and sustainability within the turkey industry she was a trailblazer in a male-dominated industry opening the door for many other young women.”
Aside from being a turkey industry advocate and go-to expert speaker, Helen “has made a huge impact in the turkey industry globally and is one of those special people who can connect a diverse group of people and facilitate a great conversation to move the needle forward.” says Sarah.
For a more information on the Ed McKinlay Poultry Worker award: www.poultryindustrycouncil.ca