Aviagen Honors Breeder Performance Excellence with 2020 Flock Awards


Aviagen® Ross® customers in the United States continually outdo their best, and this month, Aviagen recognizes these stellar performers with the 2020 Flock Awards. Flock Awards are presented to Ross poultry producers who, through team work, attention to detail, and management excellence, are able to maximize the genetic potential of their birds. In separate ceremonies led by Aviagen representatives, the winners were presented with an engraved crystal egg.

Categories of excellence

Based on 2019 flock results, Ross 708 and Ross 308 performance is evaluated in
these categories:

– Top Egg Producer for the most eggs output per hen housed to 65 weeks
– Top Hatching Eggs for the highest number of hatching eggs per hen housed
to 65 weeks
-Top Chicks for the most chicks produced per hen housed to 65 weeks
-Top Hatch for the greatest hatchability (based on a percentage) to 65 weeks

To be eligible, a farm complex must submit all records of depleted flocks received
from Aviagen for the previous year, with a minimum requirement of six flocks.

In addition to rewarding the hard work of these producers, Aviagen uses the Flock
Award program to provide feedback through benchmarking reports for all customers
who participate.

Ross performance at its best

Aviagen began the Flock Award program in 2014 to celebrate the achievements of
its valued Ross customers. Since then, Aviagen sees growth in participation each

“A big congratulations to our 2020 Flock Award winners, who truly represent the best
of the best in the U.S. market. We’re proud of their skill, passion for their birds, and
hard work, which make this level of performance possible,” commented Marc de
Beer, Aviagen North America President.

Aviagen’s VP of Sales Frank Dougherty added, “We’re committed to our customers,
who demonstrate year-on-year improvement in bird productivity, health and welfare.
We celebrate their achievement, and look forward to continuing to work together for
even greater future success.”

Randall Vickery, Regional Manager for Aviagen North Amerca, added, “Our team
congratulates this year’s winners. They are a great encouragement and example to
growers throughout the region of the performance that can be reached when
dedication and teamwork are combined with excellence in stockmanship.”

And the 2020 Flock Award winners are

Many of this year’s high achievers are repeat recipients from 2019. Congratulations
to Ross 308 producers Keith Smith Company and OK Foods for taking home the
gold two years in a row. While first and second place champions were recognized
with gold and silver awards for Ross 708, Ross 308 winners received gold awards
only; the silver category will be added as more flocks are sold.