Poultry vet wins Young Farm Vet prize


A record-breaking Yorkshire-based vet has scooped a major national award because of a passion for poultry that was fuelled despite a city upbringing.

Esme Chapman collected the Young Farm Vet of the Year prize, which is sponsored by Zoetis, during the National Egg and Poultry Awards ceremony in London.

At 26 years of age, she is also the youngest vet to have completed an Advanced Veterinary Practice in Poultry qualification at the University of Liverpool.

Chicken passion

Brought up in Birmingham, Dr Chapman developed her interest in poultry while caring for a range of rare breeds at the Domestic Fowl Trust during her teenage years.

She said: “I always knew I wanted to work with chickens. They are my passion. I didn’t grow up on a farm, but worked with chickens as a teenager and I love them to bits.

“They are amazing animals and I’ve wanted to work with them ever since.”

Having joined Howells Veterinary Services following her graduation from Liverpool, Dr Chapman now works with the St David’s Poultry Team in North Yorkshire to support broiler clients with their response to viral threats.