Propane-powered heating and sanitizing equipment offers more consistent heat that effectively destroys pathogens more reliably than chemical applications, to help poultry farmers keep flocks healthier. As producers face challenges – like the rapidly spreading bird flu – the Propane Education & Research Council urges them to consider the many benefits of propane-powered equipment and its ability to kill the pathogens to effectively curb the spread.
“Many producers rely on propane heating to maintain optimal temperatures and reduce emissions for better air quality and healthier birds, but propane’s unique benefits for poultry producers does not end there,” said Michael Newland, director of agriculture business development at PERC. “Propane-powered sanitizing and clean-up equipment has been shown to lower flock mortality, boost growth rates, and improve overall animal health. With propane, producers can both grow healthier birds and prolong that health for an improved bottom line.”
Propane-powered poultry house sanitizers generate heat under a steel hood to effectively sanitize poultry litter. Compared to forced-air furnaces, propane infrared poultry brooders lower fuel costs by 15 to 25 percent. In addition, the intense heat kills pathogens, reduces ammonia levels, and controls harmful diseases that can affect bird weight and vitality. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi cannot build resistance to high heat the way they can to chemical disinfectants, making it both more efficient and cost-effective. Chemical disinfectants can also leave behind toxic residues or lead to contamination issues, a risk avoided with the use of propane.
Propane-powered heating equipment features variable rate technology for improved consistency, fuel efficiency, and temperature control – helping farmers reduce overall production costs. Not only is propane clean-burning and safe for use in poultry houses, but it is also portable and easy to store – ensuring an operation continues running smoothly even during a power outage.
To learn more about propane-powered heating and for more information about
propane’s versatility and propane farm equipment, visit Propane.com/Agriculture.