The Midwest Poultry Federation announces its registration system is now re-open for the 2020 MPF Virtual Trade Show and Convention on August 12 – 13.
Attendees who pre-registered for the now-cancelled March convention will be automatically registered for the MPF Virtual Trade Show and Convention at no additional cost.
For those who would like to register, more information and the link is available at https://midwestpoultry.com/attendees/registration/.
Here’s what attendees can expect from the virtual event:
- The convention will showcase MPF’s education content and foster connections between exhibitors and attendees – all within a very robust, 3-D graphical experience.
- TWO full days of programming – Wednesday & Thursday, August 12 and 13 – including even MORE speakers/topics than what was planned for in March!
- 16+ hours of poultry education – Industry leading experts will present topics in technology, markets, policy and poultry health and nutrition. Tracks for turkeys, egg layers/pullets, broilers, and processing will continue – along with hot production topics and (NEW!) lunchtime learning sessions for all birds plus a full slate of “Vendor Featured Content” (also NEW!) from our exhibitors and sponsors.
- A full trade show experience with company booths you can explore and interact with.
- Live Q&A with speakers to get all your questions answered.
- New Product Showcase – a one-stop shop to see all the new products and services available to the poultry industry.
- ON-DEMAND ACCESS to all of the exhibitor booths and education program through August 31!
Attendees can view the MPF Virtual Education Program (and any future updates to the schedule) here: https://midwestpoultry.com/attendees/education-program/
Please contact MPF with any questions via info@midwestpoultry.com or 763/284-6763.