Rising Trends Suggest Higher Broiler Chicken Output in 2024


The USDA reports continued growth in broiler chicken sets and placements, signaling a likely increase in broiler chicken production for 2024 compared to 2023.

Last week, 249.031 million broiler-type eggs entered incubation, a slight weekly decline of 1.274 million but a notable 4% increase from last year. Hatchability remains steady at 79.5%. Additionally, placements of broiler-type chicks into meat production rose to 193.202 million head, an increase of 2.361 million from the previous week and 2% from a year ago.

These broiler chickens are expected to reach the market early this fall, contributing to a projected 2024 production total of 46.876 billion pounds—489 million pounds more than in 2023. The USDA’s next production estimate is scheduled for release on September 12th.