The association between self-assessed cold threshold (CT) and thermal insulation of clothing (Icl) was analysed in 283 poultry workers in Thailand. The mean CT was 13.5 °C (range − 28–29) and the mean Icl was 1.23 clo (range 0.35–2.21). The adjusted CT remained unchanged at low Icls (0.35 through 1.25 clo) but was estimated to increase by 14.8 °C at high Icls (1.25 through 2.21 clo). Overall, CT was higher by 2.4 °C (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.3–3.8) at high (≥ 1.25 clo) than that at low (< 1.25 clo) Icl, but this difference was modified by personal and work-related factors. The difference was 2.6 °C (CI 0.5–4.6) for older (30–57 y) compared to younger (18–29 y) participants, with an excess of 7.3 °C (CI 5.6–9.0) for low vs high educated participants, 2.6 °C (CI 0.5–4.8) for those doing heavy vs light work, 7.4 °C (CI 3.7–11.0) for alcohol consumers vs others, and 3.4 °C (CI 0.6–6.3) for smokers vs non-smokers. The differences were independent of personal characteristics and worksite physical conditions and were interpreted as increased cold sensitivity among subgroups with lesser stamina and poorer health. Sensitive worker subgroups should be identified, and their need for cold protection should be reviewed.
More than 80% of poultry industry workers in Thailand suffer from cold-related cardiac, respiratory, or musculoskeletal symptoms or impaired performance1,2. Moreover, cold-related symptoms can predict actual disease events and death during a longer follow-up3. The thermal insulation of protective clothing is an obvious factor underlying body cooling and the subsequent occurrence of cold-related harm. One study suggested that the prevalence of cold-related cardiorespiratory symptoms in this industry may be reduced by 20–75% through protective clothing with thermal insulation of at least 1.1 clo units4.
The basic thermal insulation of clothing among chicken industry workers in Thailand varies from 0.4–2.2 clo2. This variation reflects not only the need to wear more clothing at lower temperatures and less clothing at higher temperatures but also the variations in individual cold tolerance, with sensitive workers adding clothing earlier and at higher temperatures. However, no study has quantitatively described how thermal insulation of clothing is related to cold sensitivity in the presence of other personal and workplace factors, including ambient temperature at the worksite. This information can help customise preventive actions.
This study examined how the thermal insulation of clothing (Icl) is associated with cold sensitivity measured using a self-assessed cold threshold (CT). We adjusted for personal characteristics and physical conditions at the worksite and examined how these factors modified the association between Icl and CT. In particular, our purpose was to identify vulnerable subgroups of workers that could be targeted preventive measures. The data originate from Thailand, where outdoor temperatures range from 30 to 35 °C throughout the year; however, the food industry workers may be exposed to temperatures as low as − 20 °C. Of the total labour force of 38.7 million in Thailand, 5.9 million work in manufacturing, including the chicken meat industry5. Therefore, any improvements in cold protection will affect many workers and significantly reduce the cold-related burden in this industry.
Participants and methods
Study population
The database used in this study has been described in detail previously1. Based on power calculations, 422 workers were recruited from four chicken meat factories with altogether 13,072 workers in central and northeastern Thailand to determine the occurrence of cold-related harm. Because the availability of workers was limited by their working times, possibilities to stop working for interview, and permission given by their supervisor, we used convenience sampling based on voluntary participation. The interviews were conducted during July to November 2017. The outdoor temperature in the area ranged from 28 to 34 °C. The ambient temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH), and air velocity (AV) were measured in the cold storage areas, manufacturing halls, and offices of the factories. This analysis was based on 283 workers with data on all relevant personal and workplace factors including Ta, RH and AV. The work involved chicken meat cutting, processing, storage, packing, and paperwork in the offices.
All procedures contributing to this work comply with the ethical standards of Mahidol University and with the Helsinki declaration of 2008. The Ethical Review Committee for Human Research, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, approved this study (Approval No. MUPH 2017-198). The interviewees were informed that their participation was strictly voluntary and that all information would remain confidential. All the participants provided written informed consent.
Trained interviewers conducted interviews using a structured questionnaire on personal details, living habits, work-related factors, and cold-related complaints. CT was assessed using the open question, ‘What temperature do you regard as cold (°C)?’. The interviewees were taken to the interview during the working day in no particular order. They wore their normal work clothing—no special instructions were given regarding clothing. The clothing items worn at work (28 separate items) were asked according to the ISO standard, and the basic thermal insulation of the clothing ensemble was calculated as Icl = 0.161 + 0.835 ∑ Iclu, where Iclu denotes the clo value of each clothing item6,7. The workers were instructed to indicate their job category (manufacturing, cold storage work, forklift driving, office work; classified as office work vs others), education (high: university or college; low: vocational school, high or middle school, primary school, or less), physical strain at work (heavy: medium heavy or heavy work; light: sedentary or other light work), the frequency the worker moved between cold and warmer sites (4 + times/day vs less often), and how many hours per day he/she stayed at temperatures < 0 °C. Details regarding body weight, height, smoking status (smoker vs. nonsmoker), alcohol consumption (weekly vs. less often), and brisk physical exercise during leisure time (times/week) were obtained1.
The interview also asked if the worker had perceived symptoms caused by cold temperatures in the workplace. We used five combinations of multiple symptoms: cardiorespiratory symptoms (chest pain, cardiac arrhythmias, shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and mucus excretion), circulation symptoms (peripheral circulation symptoms, blurring of vision, and migraine), general symptoms (sleep disturbances, fatigue, thirst, and drying of mouth), finger symptoms (cold fingers, white fingers, and blue fingers), and impaired performance (concentration, motivation, endurance, handgrip force, dexterity, and holding things). These symptoms were used as concurrent standards to assess the validity of the CT.
Ta, RH, and AV were measured close to where the workers spent most of their time. The measurement sites were cold storage (20 sites), manufacturing halls (13 sites), and offices (four sites). Ta and RH were measured using a 303 C thermo-hygrometer (Shenzhen Graigar Technology, China), and AV was measured using a VelociCalc® 9545 (TSI Incorporated, MN, USA). The technical details are provided elsewhere5.
Data analysis
The mean CTs were compared between subgroups of workers using linear regression, with CT as the response variate and Icl as the explanatory factor, adjusting for sex, age, job category, education, body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), physical work strain, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, leisure-time exercise, moving between cold and warm sites, hours spent daily at < 0 °C, and worksites Ta, RH, and AV. The first-order interactions between Icl and the explanatory factors were calculated to estimate how each factor modified the association between CT and Icl. The results were expressed as marginal means of CT, which can be interpreted as CTs adjusted for other factors in the model8,9. The differences between the classes of explanatory factors or over the entire range of continuous variables were presented as adjusted regression coefficients (badj), together with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). CT was first regressed on a linear term of Icl, then a natural cubic spline function with four degrees of freedom was fitted to describe any curvilinear association. The likelihood ratio test tested differences between linear and curved response patterns. Moving between cold and warmer sites and hours spent daily at < 0 °C were not included in the final model, as they had only a marginal effect on the adjusted CT estimates. The analysis was performed using the R software release 3.50 (
As CT is a subjective quantity that cannot be compared to any external gold standard, its concurrent validity10 was assessed by calculating how well it was predicted by cold exposure-related symptoms recorded in the same interview. Thus, the odds of elevated CT (> median 14.5 °C) was regressed on predefined sets of cold-related symptoms, adjusting for the factors included in the final model. The model-predicted occurrence of elevated CT was compared with the actual occurrence using the area under the curve (auc) function available in the pROC package in the R environment11. The auc values > 0.5 indicate that CT has some ability to classify the subjects correctly, whereas 1.0 would show a perfect performance. Three sets of cold-related symptoms were used as concurrent standards: (1) cardiorespiratory symptoms; (2) cardiorespiratory, circulation, or general symptoms; and (3) cardiorespiratory, circulation, general or finger symptoms, or impaired performance. These standards were used because cold-related cardiorespiratory symptoms can predict cardiovascular and respiratory morbidity and mortality and all-natural mortality in 18 years of follow-up3, and all symptoms used as standards were cold-related by definition1. For the symptom sets (1) to (3), the auc values were 0.64 (95% CI 0.56–0.72), 0.72 (95% CI 0.60–0.84), and 0.80 (95% CI 0.67–0.93), respectively, indicating acceptable concurrent validity.
Description of participants
The average age of the participants was 32.7 years (SD, 10.2; range, 18–57 years), and 164 participants (58%) were male. Twenty-nine (10%) participants worked in offices, 137 (48%) in manufacturing halls, 87 (31%) in cold storage facilities, and 30 (11%) were forklift drivers. Moreover, 75 (27%) participants had higher education, 162 (57%) had heavy work, 235 (83%) moved between cold and warmer sites at least four times/day, and 119 (42%) spent at least 0.5 h daily at temperatures < 0°C. The average BMI was 24.1 kg/m2, and 105 (37%) workers were classified as obese (BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2). Ninety-three participants (33%) were smokers, 44 (16%) consumed alcohol weekly, and 121 (43%) exercised at least once per week. Altogether, 14 participants had a diagnosed cardiovascular condition (elevated blood pressure or angina pectoris), 8 had a back or joint condition, and 4 had diabetes.
Workplace physical conditions
The physical conditions of the workplace were described previously1. The mean Ta was 3.8 °C (range − 22 to 23), with 183 workers (65%) working at sites colder than 10 °C, which is defined as occupational cold based on the ISO standard12. The mean RH was 46.7% (range 27–72). AV had a skewed distribution with a long right-hand tail (median 0.35 m/s, range 0.01–3.0).
Thermal insulation of clothing
The mean Icl was similar (1.23 clo) in men and women, higher (1.26 clo) in older (30 + years) than younger workers (1.20 clo), higher in workers outside offices (1.28 clo) compared to office workers (0.81 clo), and higher in low educated (1.28 clo) than high educated (1.08 clo) workers. Slightly higher Icl was found in participants doing light vs heavy work (1.25 vs 1.18 clo, respectively), in normal weight vs obese workers (1.25 vs 1.19 clo, respectively), in those spending ≥ 0.5 h a day at temperatures < 0°C compared to others (1.27 vs 1.20, respectively). The participants who consumed alcohol 4 + times weekly had higher Icl (1.28 clo) than those consuming alcohol more rarely (1.22 clo). Differences of less than 0.03 clo were found depending on leisure-time exercise, smoking and moving between cold and warm sites during the day.
The participants working at cold sites (< 10 °C) had higher mean Icl than those working at warmer sites, with 1.27 clo and 1.17 clo, respectively, and Icl was higher at dry (RH < 41%) sites (1.29 clo) than humid sites (1.17 clo). Low AV (≤ 0.385 m/s) was associated with higher Icl (1.27 clo) than higher AV (1.19 clo).
Self-assessed CT
The mean CT was 13.5 °C (SD 10.2, range − 28 to 29). The left-hand side of Table 1 shows how plain empirical CT means vary according to personal and work-related factors. The CT was 1.1 °C higher for women than it was for men, 1.9 °C higher for more than it was for less-educated workers, 2.7 °C higher for those engaged in light vs that for those engaged in heavy work, and 2.5 °C higher for those exercising < 4 times a week compared to that experience by those exercising more frequently. Office workers showed 8.7 °C higher CT than those shown by others. The crude CTs varied by < 1 °C according to age, body weight, alcohol consumption, and smoking habits. Table 1 shows that the crude mean of CT was greater by 1.9 °C at warmer than that at colder working sites, higher by 3.4 °C at dry than humid sites, and 3.5 °C greater at draughty than those at less draughty sites.
After adjusting for personal and work-related factors, further analyses focused on the association between CT and Icl. The estimated linear increase of CT over the entire range of Icl (0.35–2.21) was 11.3 °C (CI 6.4–16.2). The likelihood ratio test comparing the linear and cubic spline models yields a p-value of approximately 0.000, indicating a significant departure from linearity. The estimated curvilinear pattern (Fig. 1) showed minimal variation in CT at clo values of less than 1.15, where CT reached its minimum (12.0 °C). However, CT increased monotonically at clo values higher than that, reaching a maximum of 26.7 °C (badj 14.8 °C [CI 0.9–28.6]) at 2.21 clo (Table 2). The 95% confidence band of the estimated CT exceeded the reference level with reasonable confidence from approximately 1.45 clo upwards. While 55.5% of the participants had insulation more than 1.15 clo, 25.8% had > 1.75 clo, and 5.3% had > 2.15 clo.