Spotlight on Elkmon Alabama poultry breeder Aviagen


Elkmont, Alabama, is a small community, just miles from the Tennessee border. With a population of only 434, it is home to internationally awarded artisanal goat cheese maker Belle Chevre, as well as multiple operations of global poultry breeding company Aviagen®. Aviagen plays a key role in the poultry supply chain, receiving hatching eggs from Tennessee breeder farms and providing day-old, Grandparent (GP) and Great Grandparent (GGP) chicks to more than 160 breeder farms in Tennessee and around the globe.Aviagen’s

Elkmont facilities include:

-A feed mill provides high-quality, nutritious and biosecure feed to all Aviagen production farms in Tennessee.

– A hatchery supplies day-old chicks to breeder farms in Tennessee, and also exports chicks to customers around the world.

-A National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)-authorized veterinary laboratoryhelps Aviagen meet and exceed the surveillance and regulatory testing requirements for the company’s production farms in Tennessee.

-GP and GGP egg distribution centersreceive hatching eggs from breeder farms in Tennessee.

-GP and GGP production complexessupport Aviagen farms in Tennessee, including all facets of production that enable the company to supply domestic and export customers with chicks.

Collectively, these facilities employ 500 hatchery and production specialists, lab technicians, and other dedicated poultry professionals who work hard each day to demonstrate Aviagen’s commitment to “Breeding Sustainability.” This theme captures the company’s mission to provide the breeding stock to produce a healthy source of protein for the growing communities of Tennessee and every corner of the globe, while also helping to sustain the businesses of our customers –the world’s poultry producers –and reduce the impact of food production on our natural environment.