Take Your Next Step with a True Aviary


Are you looking for a true aviary system for your layer house? Check out the new NATURA® Step XL system from Big Dutchman. The Step XL is a multi-tier open access aviary developed from the already successful NATURA® Step design, with a larger width allowing for 26% more useable bird space.




The NATURA® Step and Step XL are multi-tiered true aviary systems that are fully open. With these systems, you get true cage-free production, meaning the systems:

  • Feature a true nest area, which creates an environment where the hens want to be – thus producing the best possible nest acceptance
  • Include dedicated areas for resting, feeding and perching
  • Are open in design, allowing hens to move through and easily utilize all areas of the system – including having complete floor access to exhibit natural foraging and scratching activity

Big Dutchman has a long history of cage-free. We have over 30 years of experience and over 100 million hens worldwide call our NATURA® cage-free systems home. To learn more about the NATURA® Step and Step XL aviary systems, visit the Big Dutchman website or contact your local sales representative.