Top 4 Under 40 Podcast Series: Spotlight on Dr. Ryan Snyder


In the concluding episode of our 2023 Top 4 Under 40 podcast series, we engage in a conversation with Dr. Ryan Snyder, a dynamic scientist working at Ceva Animal Health.

This young luminary in the poultry realm plays a pivotal role in advancing the company’s vaccination programs. Notably, he has recently launched his own poultry research barn, where he conducts research trials. Additionally, Dr. Snyder is deeply committed to his community and the poultry industry.

In this insightful interview, Snyder converses with Canadian Poultry editor Brett Ruffell about his upbringing in the poultry industry, his remarkable contributions to poultry science, his profound affinity for poultry, and much more.

Canadian Poultry introduced the Top 4 Under 40 program in 2021 as a means to honor and celebrate young leaders in the poultry sector. Four finalists, comprising three farmers and one industry professional, are selected based on their outstanding leadership, innovative contributions, and passionate advocacy. This Top 4 Under 40 podcast series serves as a platform to recognize and share their inspiring stories.