U.S. Poultry & Egg Association(USPOULTRY)is accepting applications for the 2020Clean Water Awards. The awards recognize outstanding performance of wastewater treatment plants that operate at poultry or egg processing facilities. Winners will be announced at USPOULTRY’s 2020Environmental Management Seminar to be held Sept. 17 –18, at the Hilton Sandest in Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Destin, Florida.
“Poultry companies are stead fasti n their responsibility to environmental stewardship and perform an outstanding job operating their wastewater treatment facilities.Practically allthewater used in poultry and egg processing is returned to the environment in first-rate condition, continually exceeding the standards set in discharge permits. USPOULTRY is pleased to sponsor this annual award program that highlights these excellent facilities,” said Greg Hinton,Rose Acre Farms,and USPOULTRY chairman.
Awards are presented in two categories –full treatment and pre treatment. Full treatment facilities are those facilities that fully treat their wastewater prior to discharge into a receiving stream or a land application system. Pre treatment facilities are those facilities that discharge pre treated effluent to publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities for further treatment. Any USPOULTRY member company is eligible to submit three nominees in each category. Facilities that have previously won the award may not be re-nominated for five years. The deadline for submitting applications is June 26.
An evaluation committee will review the applications and select semi-finalist facilities in each category. Award recipients will be selected after the evaluation committee completes a site visit were the semifinalists will have an opportunity to showcase their facility.
Award recipients will receive a trophy, be profiled on the USPOULTRY website and receive assistance from USPOULTRY in publicizing the award on a local, regional and national level.
he winners of the 2019Clean Water Awards were Pilgrim’s in Sandford,N.C.,for full treatment, and Tyson Foods in Seguin, Texas, for pre treatment. Sanderson Farms in Waco, Texas,and Tyson Foods in Nashville, Arkansas,received honorable mention in the full treatment category. Tyson Foods in Robards, Kentucky,received honorable mention in the pre-treatment category.
For an application form, click here or go to www.uspoultry.org/environment/.