USPOULTRY Accepting Research Board Research Initiative Pre-Proposals on Improved Eggshell Quality in Cage-Free Layer Flocks


USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation are accepting research preproposals from colleges, universities and research facilities through Nov. 1 on improved eggshell quality  in cagefree layer flocks.

Eggshell quality is important for food safety and beneficial egg quality attributes. The U.S. egg industry is  moving to extensive cagefree housing systems to meet consumer and legislative demands. Companies  transitioning face numerous unknowns regarding housing systems, including how to ensure that  eggshell quality is maintained. Eggshell quality is multifactorial, and the interactions between the  housing system and factors known to affect shell quality are not well understood. Numerous questions  exist regarding management and mitigation of eggs laid outside of the system, or socalled “floor eggs,
and best practices have not been identified for handling these eggs. Shell quality and production issues  are a real concern, often resulting in severe financial loss.

The research areas of focus should identify methods and practices to reduce microfractures in shell  eggs, develop improved methods for egg management aimed at improving shell integrity in cagefree  systems, and evaluate nutrition and environmental programs to maximize eggshell quality and integrity  in cagefree systems. The research should also answer the following questions: What management  methods can be utilized to minimize eggs laid outside of the system?; What novel management  methods exist for handling eggs laid outside of the system?; and Are there nutrition and environmental  program manipulations that can maximize eggshell quality and integrity in cagefree systems?

Visit and click on “the “Board Research Initiativessubheader for  complete instructions to submit a preproposal.