USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve $356,000 in New Research Grants Through the Comprehensive Research Program


USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation have approved $356,000 for
five new research grants at five institutions through the comprehensive research program. The research  funding was approved by the boards of directors of both organizations, based on recommendations  from the Foundation Research Advisory Committee. The committee evaluates research proposals to  determine their value to the industry and then makes recommendations to the boards for funding.  Committee members are professional specialists from different segments of the poultry and egg  industry who represent a variety of disciplines.

The Association’s comprehensive research program dates to the early 1960s when funds were first  approved for poultry disease research. It gradually grew into an allinclusive program incorporating all  phases of poultry and egg production and processing. Since the inception of the research program, USPOULTRY has reinvested more than $34 million dollars into the industry in the form of research  grants. More than 50 universities and federal and state facilities have received grants over the years.

Research continues to be critical aspect of USPOULTRY’s and the Foundation’s service to the poultry  industry. The Foundation Research Advisory Committee members volunteer numerous hours to review  and evaluate research proposals before making recommendations for funding. We sincerely appreciate  their work, said Greg Hinton, Rose Acre Farms, and USPOULTRY chairman.

The research grants for each institution include:

Evaluating Vertical Transmission of Salmonella Reading Outbreak Strain in Turkeys Using  Bioluminescent Imaging
Mississippi State University (research grant made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift from  Cargill)

Increasing the Efficiency of Avian Reovirus Characterization via RealTime Sequencing
University of Georgia (research grant made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift from  Pilgrims)

Identifying Genetic Determinants of Campylobacter jejuni That Promote Bacterial Survival During
Processing and Storage 
University of Tennessee (research grant made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift from  Koch Foods)

Evaluating the Impact of Increased Humidity and Heat with Ventilation Shutdown for Depopulation of  Laying Hens During a Foreign Animal Disease Outbreak
North Carolina State University (research grant made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift  from USPOULTRY staff)

Use of Reference Point Indentation (RPI) to Evaluate Pulsed Alternating Wavelength System (PAWS)  on Skeletal Quality of Laying Hens Throughout Lay Cycle
Purdue University (research grant made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift from MPS Egg  Farms)