Virtual Reality Biosecurity Simulator Launched


EthoGuard Inc., Canada’s leading agricultural biosecurity company announced the
launch of it’s Virtual Reality Biosecurity Simulator at the National Poultry Show in London, Ontario.  Virtual Reality Technology allows users to experience real life situations in a virtual world, for purposes  of education, training, and awareness. EthoGuard partnered with Connecticut Software Developer  Greenlight Labs to develop the tool from the ground up.

“We are excited about the launch of this revolutionary technology.”, stated Mark Beaven, President of  EthoGuard. “One of our priorities is to be innovative and forward thinking. Today’s announcement  demonstrates our commitment on that front.”

The first module released at the Poultry Show places users in a Broiler Chicken Barn, applying disinfectant on the walls, ceiling and floor through a pressure washer. Utilizing a VR Head Set and hand  controllers, users can experience everything from the vibration of the water pressure to the noise of  foaming nozzle as they are immersed in the virtual visual world of cleaning and disinfecting a poultry  barn while at the same time learning about application techniques and disinfectant properties.

“We are committed to doing everything we can to help the industry improve their on-farm biosecurity.”,  says Beaven. “By utilizing VR Technology, we can present life-like training situations without the  necessity of being on-farm. This opens up a wide range of training opportunities for the industry. Over  the coming months, future modules will be developed that allow increased biosecurity awareness and  improve overall compliance to biosecurity protocols. Everything from effective cleaning and disinfectant  application techniques to proper facility entry procedures, we can create virtual reality situations that  cover them all.”

EthoGuard Inc. serves the agricultural industry by providing producers a range of products, equipment  and services, all designed to assist with biosecurity. Aside from being the Canadian Master Distributor  for PrevailTM Disinfectant/Cleaner, they offer Cleaning and Disinfecting Equipment, Personal Protective  Equipment, Training and Advisory Services. The company also conducts Research and Development  activities from their world class Biosecurity Center of Excellence in Blyth, Ontario.