MiruTyton™, WDL’s natural butyrate fermentation soluble, substantially reduces prevalence of Salmonella and Campylobacter in challenged broilers in addition to improving Feed Conversion Ratio and weight gain, when delivered in solid feed or drinking water.
White Dog Labs announced today that MiruTyton, a fermentation solubles rich in butyrate, can reduce the incidence of Salmonella and Campylobacter in feces and cecum scrapings prior to processing plant delivery. Furthermore, MiruTyton continues to deliver statistically significant improvements in weight gain and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) for both males and females when fed throughput 42 days in either solid feed or drinking water, which allows greater flexibility for delivery and dosing. Finally, MiruTyton is naturally produced by non-genetically modified bacteria, and can potentially be used in organic operations.
Cargill and WDL have recently announced an off-take agreement for WDL’s premium Single Cell Protein, ProTyton™ which is a co-product of MiruTyton. WDL has developed and scaled up the anaerobic fermentation process for these products, and will be producing them in the MRE ethanol plant in Sutherland, NE.
“We are happy to announce these results, which were demonstrated through a close collaboration with industry experts and an independent testing lab,” said WDL’s CEO, Bryan Tracy.
The MiruTyton test was carried out with 1600 birds, 200 per treatment (100 male and 100 female) with 10 birds per cage. The MiruTyton doses in drinker were 250, 500, 1000ppm of net butyrate per treatment, while in solid feed they were 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000ppm. Body weight, feed intake and mortality were measured on days 0,14, 21, 28 and 42, while measurements on GIT histology and Campylobacter log10 per gram and Salmonella incidence in cecum and fecal samples were taken on day 42.
Body weight and FCR results for the zero-MiruTyton control matched well with the Ross 708 bird performance guide throughput the trial. Mixed sex growth performance peaked between 1000 – 2000ppm dose delivered in solid feed with 3.9% more weight gain in first 21 days and persisting through 42 days. Weight gain improvement for solid feed addition was correlated with a 6.1pt and 5.7pt improvement in FCR over 21 and 42 days, respectively. Mixed sex performance peaked between 500 – 1000ppm dose delivered in drinking water with 3.3% more weight gain in first 21 days and 3.9% more weight gain through 42 days. Weight gain improvement for drinking water addition was also correlated with a 6.5pt and 4.7pt improvement in FCR over 21 and 42 days, respectively. No mortality was observed in growth studies.
A subset of birds were challenged with 6-logs of Salmonella and 3-logs of Campylobacter on day 38, and Salmonella incidence and Campylobacter abundance was measured in fecal matter and cecum scrapings on day 42. Salmonella incidence in fecal and cecum samples from both sexes was 90-100% in control diets, but reduced to only 10-20% incidence for 2000 and 4000ppm solid feed and 1000ppm drinking water doses. Similarly, Campylobacter abundance was significantly reduced by 7 to 8 logs per gram for 2000 and 4000ppm solid feed and 1000ppm drinking water doses.
“Because MiruTyton is a liquid, we envision accurate and economical administration, and since it has a co-product that shares its production costs, it has pricing flexibility,” said Tracy. “We thus expect MiruTyton, also natural product, to have a positive impact on the industry, and are actively seeking a partner to distribute globally.”