Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-ND Provides Foundation for Comprehensive Respiratory Protection
Zoetis has further expanded its poultry vaccine portfolio with the introduction of Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-ND, a vectored recombinant vaccine that protects broiler chickens against Newcastle and Marek’s disease viruses.
“Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND is the first Zoetis vaccine developed with our state-of-the-art vector platform and is the newest of its kind available,” said Jon Schaeffer, DVM, PhD, senior director of U.S. poultry technical services for Zoetis.
“The vaccine was developed using advanced molecular techniques to deliver a highly effective immune response, with competitive onset of immunity.” [i],[ii],[iii]
Researchers focus on early onset of immunity
Newcastle disease (ND) virus causes a highly contagious and fatal disease affecting all species of birds.[iv] Zoetis researchers screened more than a dozen vaccine candidates with the ND virus fusion protein — a major glycoprotein present in the viral envelope and one of the main immunoprotective ND virus antigens.[v]
The candidate they ultimately selected for Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND provided 93 percent protection against a challenge with velogenic (virulent) ND virus on day 19 of age and 95 percent protection against a velogenic ND virus challenge on day 28 of age in specific-pathogen-free birds, regardless of whether the vaccine was administered in ovo or subcutaneously.[vi],[vii], [viii] When the vaccine was administered in ovo to commercial broilers, there was 100 percent efficacy against a velogenic ND virus challenge on day 33 of age.[ix]
Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND contains the herpesvirus of turkey (HVT), an avirulent turkey virus that is capable of replication in chickens.[x] HVT has been demonstrated as a useful vector for delivering major avian antigens, as well as an effective vaccine for Marek’s disease virus.[xi]
More than 20 years of in ovo expertise
Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND will begin shipping in January. The vaccine is backed by technical expertise and support associated with the Inovoject® system — an Embrex biodevice and market leader for vaccination of eggs in ovo. Nearly 70 percent of U.S. broilers were immunized in 2018 with a vectored vaccine, according to market research conducted by Rennier Associates Inc.
Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND gives U.S. poultry producers an effective tool for managing two major diseases while also extending Zoetis’ comprehensive portfolio of respiratory biologicals.
“Building a robust immune system through vaccination is particularly critical today with the rise in ‘no antibiotics ever’ broiler production,” Schaeffer said. “By providing foundational immunity to ND without the reaction of a live ND vaccine, Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND helps enable the success of live infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccination programs.”
Furthermore, Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND strengthens a comprehensive line of live respiratory vaccines from Zoetis, including Ark, Mass, Ark + Mass, GA98 and GA08 IB vaccine options, along with a live ND vaccine. “This allows Zoetis to customize a respiratory vaccination program based on local challenges,” Schaeffer explained.
For more information on Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND, poultry veterinarians and producers should contact their Zoetis representative.
[i] Data on file, Study Report No. B815R-US-18-A46, Zoetis Inc.
[ii] Data on file, Study Report No. B812R-US-17-793, Zoetis Inc.
[iii] Data on file, Study Report No. B812R-US-17-847, Zoetis Inc.
[iv]Luo Y, et al. Construction and efficacy of a recombinant HVT-ND vaccine against NDV and MDV challenge in SPF and NDV challenge in broiler birds. Am Assoc Avian Pathol. 2019.
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Bosserd M, et al. Onset of Immunity of a recombinant HVT-ND vaccine against a velogenic NDV challenge in SPF birds. Am Assoc Avian Pathol. 2019.
[vii] Turner-Alston K, et al. Onset of Immunity (v1.0).Am Assoc Avian Pathol. 2019.
[viii] Luo Y, et al. Construction and efficacy of a recombinant HVT-ND vaccine against NDV and MDV challenge in SPF and NDV challenge in broiler birds. Am Assoc Avian Pathol. 2019.
[ix] Ibid.
[x] Ibid.
[xi] Ibid.